The Lupin Collection, a vast ensemble of dangerous items acquired by the legendary gentleman thief Arsène Lupin, is stolen by an interdimensional crime syndicate known as the Ganglars. However, they receive opposition from two Super Sentai teams: the Lupinrangers, who aim to steal back the collection to live up their namesake's reputation and save those they have lost, and the Patrangers, who are tasked with upholding justice by retrieving the collection and taking down the Gangler.
- Comedy, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Kids
- Japanese
Cast & Crew
- Asahi Ito , Shogo Hama , Haruka Kudo , Kousei Yuki , Ryo Yokoyama , Kazusa Okuyama , Seiya Motoki , Yoichi Nukumizu
- Motoi Sasaki, Chihiro Inoue, Takaaki Utsunomiya, Koichi Yada, Akihiro Fukada, Ayumi Kanno