The story centers around class 1-7 of Tennomifune Academy, where all the students with "bad karma" or misfortune seem to have been gathered. Hibari, a student in this class, meets the unlucky Hanako and the perennially unhealthy Botan on her first day of school, and together they try to find a way to turn their school life into a happy one.
- Animation, Comedy
- Japanese
Cast & Crew
- Haruka Shiraishi , Hibiku Yamamura , Kiyono Yasuno , Mayu Yoshioka , Yumiri Hanamori , Chitose Morinaga , Yumi Hara , Yuko Gibu
- Shin Oonuma
- Yukihiro Itou, Hideyuki Saida, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Shinobu Satou, Mika Shimizu, Shunsuke Matsumura, Shoichi Hotta, Toshiya Niikura