60 Minutes' first season aired as a bi-weekly broadcast hosted by Mike Wallace and Harry Reasoner, debuting on September 24, 1968, and alternating weeks with other CBS News productions on Tuesday even...
Lost in America/The Mind of a Suicide Bomber/What Are They Saying About Us?/Laura Bush
Are We Safe?/Islam/The Long Gray Line
Special Report/Blueprint for Survival/Survivors
Special Ops/Nuclear Reactors/Condoleezza Rice
The Second Most Wanted Man/Smallpox/Two Faces of Pakistan
Saddam Hussein's Iraq/The Prince/Innocence Lost
Richard Harris/LBJ Tapes/City Within a City
The Lost Son/LBJ Tapes/City Within a City
The U.S. Border Patrol/The Pump/Kuwait: Ten Years Later
America's Arabs/Kinkade/Castro
The Dirty Little Word 'Profiling'/Selling the Dream?/Barbara Cook
Why Did She Do It?/The Candy Man