"Anarchy in the Monarchy"
Set in modern-day England, The Royals follows the lives of a fictional British Royal family that inhabits a world of opulence and regal tradition catering to any and every desire - a world that also c...
After the tragic murder of King Simon by an unknown assailant, Cyrus, Simon's arrogant brother, has taken the throne with the help of Queen Helena.
Season 3 picks up after Ted Pryce's execution and deals with how the death of King Simon's killer impacts the family, especially Liam. Prince Robert is revealed to be alive, just as Liam & Eleanor's l...
How Prodigal the Soul
Confess Yourself to Heaven
Seek for Thy Noble Father in the Dust
Black as His Purpose Did the Night Resemble
There's Daggers in Men's Smiles
My News Shall Be the Fruit to That Great Feast
Forgive Me This My Virtue
In the Dead Vast and Middle of the Night
Foul Deeds Will Rise
With Mirth in Funeral and With Dirge in Marriage