Jo is an English-language French police procedural television series created by Canadian/USA screenwriter René Balcer of Law & Order fame with French writing team Franck Ollivier & Malina Detcheva, known for the mini-series Lost Signs. It is co-produced by the French Atlantique Productions and the Belgian Stromboli Pictures companies in association with broadcast partners TF1, RTBF, Sat.1, ORF and RTS.
- Action & Adventure, Crime
- English
Cast & Crew
- Jean Reno , Jill Hennessy , Tom Austen , Orla Brady , Heida Reed , Celyn Jones , Wunmi Mosaku , Sean Pertwee
- René Balcer, Olivier Bibas, Klaus Zimmermann
- René Balcer, Alfred Lot, André Bouvard, Klaus Zimmermann