The fourth and final season of Wizards of Waverly Place aired on Disney Channel from November 12, 2010 to January 6, 2012. The Russo children, Alex, Justin, and Max Russo continue to compete to become the leading wizard in their magical family and begin to make difficult decisions about their futures. María Canals Barrera and David DeLuise co-star as their parents and Jennifer Stone co-stars as Alex's best friend, Harper Finkle. This is the second season of the series to be broadcast in high-definition.
- Comedy, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Kids
- English
Cast & Crew
- Selena Gomez , David Henrie , Jake T. Austin , Jennifer Stone , David DeLuise , Maria Canals-Barrera
- Todd J. Greenwald
- Vince Cheung, Peter Murrieta, Perry Rein, Todd J. Greenwald, Ben Montanio, Gigi McCreery, Richard Goodman