Worst Cooks in America is a reality competition show on the Food Network. The show takes 12 to 16 contestants with poor cooking skills through an eight-week culinary boot camp, to earn a cash prize of...
Tyler Florence returns to Boot Camp to battle Anne Burrell. Anne and Tyler are back to whip a fresh cast of all-star cooking nightmares into culinary shape in a brand-new season of Worst Cooks in Amer...
Home Cooking and Horse Racing
Farm-to-Table and Date Night
Sauce Boss
Between Two Buns
Hook, Line and Sink 'Em
Bonkers for Baked Goods
This Ain't No Yolk
Fight for Finale
Chef Anne Burrell and Jeff Mauro host a star-studded season of Worst Cooks in America Celebrity Edition with a funky-fresh batch of recruits who dominated Hollywood and won hearts in the '90s. But whe...
Anne Burrell and New Co-Host Darnell Ferguson Transform the new Cast of Social Media Stars from Cooking Disasters to Kitchen Masters in Worst Cooks in America: Viral Sensations.
Chefs Anne Burrell and Jeff Mauro are teaming up once again for “Worst Cooks in America: Love at First Bite.” The romantically themed Food Network will spotlight eligible singles specializing in the t...
For the first time, Chef Tiffany Derry joins Chef Anne Burrell to lead culinary boot camp and help pampered competitors trade in their silver spoons for spatulas in Worst Cooks in America: Spoiled Rot...
Returning mentor Chef Jeff Mauro welcomes newcomer Chef Antonia Lofaso to transform these culinary disasters into cooking masters with each leading their own team of meal-making misfits.